The Hut Series

The Hut Series sprang from an impulse to celebrate a form that simultaneously contains yet excludes, much like a burka, or the hijab worn by Middle Eastern women. It is neither a hut or a dress, but shelter or a prison.

Aeolian Island, Sicily, Ink on Khadi,14.6x21cm, 2020, Ref 20-051, Private Collection


Sleeping Invertebrates, Ink on khadi, 8-1/2x11-3/4”, 2020, Ref 20-050C

Four Voices for a Joyous Hymn, Ink on khadi, 8-1/2x11-3/4”, 2020, Ref 20-050B, Private Collection

Quintet for Strings, Ink on khadi, 8-1/2x11-3/4”, 2020, Ref 20-50A

Raucous Symmetry, Ink on paper, 22x30", Ref, Private Collection

Raucous Symmetry, Ink on paper, 22x30", Ref, Private Collection

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The Hut Series

The Hut Series sprang from an impulse to celebrate a form that simultaneously contains yet excludes, much like a burka, or the hijab worn by Middle Eastern women. It is neither a hut or a dress, but shelter or a prison.